Your phone is ringing and you don't know who is calling?

tellows provides information to identify trustworthy or potential risk calls - thanks to our worldwide community.

tellows - find out who called with the phone number reverse search & caller protection


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We categorise calls by type (debt collection, serious number, sweepstakes, etc.) and give the number in question a tellows score, which indicates whether a number is trustworthy or suspicious, helping you to decide whether or not to take the call.

Latest from our blog

    We've all had to deal with the same thing. Your phone is ringing and the display shows an unknown number you haven't seen before. So you're asking yourself whether to answer it or not!? Who is calling? You are certainly not the first one to ask these questions. For this reason, tellows developed a database which will help you with your decision about answering or ignoring the phone call. This will definitely save you time and energy. Yet, there is more to it. In addition to a risk rating, tellows provides an approximate location of the number calling. This helps you to find out the origin of the phone call. For additional information visit our Tellows Blog.

    Recently added comments

    1. unknown has been reported with number ‎068181742653 as Cost trap

      4/17/24, 5:07 PM via Nize


      1 Rating for 068181742653 ()
    2. Senki reported Amazon with the number ‎06707177120 as SMS spam

      4/14/24, 11:17 AM

      Amazon:Your code is 6db szám. If you didn't request it, deny here

      9 Ratings for 06707177120 (Vodafone)
    3. Android reported kita bärenstark with the number ‎+4991158793455 as Trustworthy number

      4/10/24, 1:04 PM via Android App

      1 Rating for +4991158793455 (Nürnberg)
    4. Investigator KisZoli reported number ‎06307714890 as unknown

      4/8/24, 6:02 PM

      Foglalt volt a telóm,amikor hívott,visszahívtam 2 szer nem veszi fel senki.

      2 Ratings for 06307714890 (T-Mobil)
    5. Investigator Gipszjakab reported number ‎+2250500855197 as unknown

      3/31/24, 12:52 PM

      2024.03.30 este fél 8-kor. Nem ismerem, nem tudom miért keresett. Véleményem szerint csaló.

      1 Rating for +2250500855197 (MTN)

    Where does the information on telephone numbers come from?

    The tellows community allows you to comment any telephone number. We analyze and classify the calls according to the type of call. The core of tellows is the so-called tellows score. A thought-out algorithm that classifies any number in relation to its risk level. This in turn makes it easier for you to decide whether it is safe to answer the call or not. In order to gather as much information as possible about all the numbers in question, we need your help! With the help of your comments about the numbers and your risk rating you certainly help us to enrich our phone number database.

    Comments on the most frequently searched phone numbers

    1. Android reported unknown with the number ‎+4915258439890 as Cost trap

      3/22/24, 9:13 AM via Android App

      Er ist gewalttätig, er will dir auf jeden Fall den Gewinn aufzwingen... deshalb zahlst du alle 6 Monate 145 Euro

      62 Ratings for +4915258439890 (Vodafone D2 GmbH)
    2. unknown has been reported with number ‎06501298033 as Cost trap

      3/28/24, 9:50 AM

      1 Rating for 06501298033 (DIGI)
    3. unknown has been reported with number ‎06205800724 as Cost trap

      3/27/24, 11:28 AM

      OTP ügyintézőnek adja ki magát..csaló!!!!!!!!!!

      1 Rating for 06205800724 (Telenor)
    4. Angel reported unknown with the number ‎+436767772241 as Harassment calls

      3/25/24, 3:59 PM

      Es handelt sich nicht um Finanzbetrug, sondern um sexuelle Belästigung. Er beantragt einen Termin für einen Gesundheitsdienst, ohne die Anzeige überhaupt gelesen zu haben, weil er sich nur sein Foto für den Werbetreibenden ansieht. Ihm ist wichtig, dass die Person ein junges, hilfloses Mädchen ist, das es nicht wagt, ihn zu schlagen, wenn er ihm gegenüber gewalttätig ist. Wäre ihm die Qualität des Dienstleisters wichtig, würde er sich nicht nur das Foto ansehen und auch die Anzeige lesen. Er hat in Budapest schwersten sexuellen Missbrauch begangen.

      1 Rating for +436767772241 (T-Mobile AT)
    5. MM reported unknown with the number ‎06303282261 as Cost trap

      3/21/24, 10:54 AM

      Február elején hívott és OPT ügyintézőnek adta ki magát. Primitív beszéd, műveletlen benyomást tett. Csaló (semmi közöm az OPThez).

      1 Rating for 06303282261 (T-Mobil)

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